
Sizing Up Ex-Irvine Mayor Agran as a Candidate in Race for U.S. President

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The furor raised by Mark Petracca about Irvine Mayor Sally Anne Sheridan’s activities as a real estate agent (“Irvine Mayor to Pay $2,000 Political Fine,” Aug. 17) are right in line with his traditional bashing of anyone who doesn’t agree with his left-wing agenda.

Apparently, he is much more concerned about Sheridan’s defeat of Larry Agran for mayor than is Mr. Agran himself.

I would like to recommend that the professor confine his vocal outbursts to the classroom, except that this concerns me even more than his activist efforts.


The only way he may be convinced that most of us in Irvine do not appreciate his demeanor or opinions is for him to run for City Council. If he is elected, I will be very surprised, and I will also leave Irvine.

