
2nd Russian Revolution

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When the history of the 20th Century can finally be written, the third week of August, 1991, will rival in importance the end of World War II. We have just witnessed the final death convulsion of a system of authoritarian repression that placed the value of its own structure and philosophy far above the value of the individual.

The exhilaration seen in the faces of those who toppled the statue of the founder of the KGB paves the way for every Soviet citizen to experience the healing and regeneration that will occur with the discovery of his own liberated authentic self. Instead of repression by the Communist Party, Soviet citizens will have the freedom to respond to the great “I am” and discover their own “I am-ness.” They can have a personal relationship with their Creator instead of with a governmental system based upon false assumptions and the greed for power of its leaders. What in the history of the 20th Century could be more significant than this?

