
Hot Property

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I am answering the letter by Ray Ackerman (Aug. 11) concerning the Hot Property column. Beautiful properties are not fantasies, they are realities. If some people do not like the article, nobody obliges them to read it. Why should they impose their taste (or lack of it) on someone else?

It is nice to know that we do not live in a Communist country where most housing is uniformly ugly and it is nice to know that with hard work, and determination, you may one day be able to buy a very nice home. But you must start some place. Please read the ‘First-Time Buyers’ letter by Gene Jones that appeared before yours. They are on the right track and will one day exchange that house for a much better one, etc.

There is a strong tendency in this country to impose some people’s taste or convictions on others. In this case, just skip the column, and let others enjoy it.



