
Foreign Wives Bolt From Servitude

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I am one of those Soviet (God, how I hate that word!) women who thought that marriage to a Westerner would somehow result in a life easier than I would find back home. But I was in for a big disappointment.

I found out that in order to raise a family and live a relatively comfortable life in the United States, it is imperative that the wife also hold a job outside the home. This is even more so if the couple wish to purchase a home and a car.

I found out that the reason the man I married wanted someone foreign was because he wanted a slave to do his bidding and the women of his own culture--namely, American women--would not put up with such nonsense.


American men wishing to marry foreign women and bring them to the States should be aware that those women will very quickly pick up those “independent” traits characteristic of the well-balanced American woman.


Los Angeles
