
Gun-Control Foe Lauds Armed Protection

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First, let us say that we are very sorry about the loss of the Schaeffers’ beautiful, talented daughter. We have a daughter about the same age.

We do think that their focus is misplaced by working for gun control. We were horrified at their reasoning for gun control: “Talking to reporters about the man who had killed her daughter, Danna said she was less angry at him than at the system that made it so easy to get a gun.”

We really need criminal control. If our court system were stronger, we’d put these people away for life (no parole), or use the death penalty. We have the death penalty in this state, but we don’t use it. We do think the death penalty would be a deterrent.


We never understand why the family of a murdered person wants to impose gun control or sue the gun manufacturer. When someone is run over by a drunken driver, one doesn’t raise a hue and cry over banning cars.

Let us work to make it miserable to be a criminal. Help make the justice system stronger. We’re for bringing back some of the frontier justice that our so-called civilized society sorely needs.

