
In on the Action

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Nothing brings out the creativity of fund-raisers more than auctions. Consider what the Spare Change Project is offering at its Sept. 7 Sports Fantasy Auction at the Sports Club/L.A. The organization will auction off “experiences (italics theirs) with well-known personalities” that should appeal to Type-A jocks with lots of cash. Up for grabs are a one-on-one game with Clipper Bo Kimble, volleyball with Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos and triathlon training with Ironman champ Dave Scott. Project Angel Food’s benefit auction Sept. 29 will put on the block a chance to have artist David Hockney paint your swimming pool. If you’re pool-less, other items up for bid include appearing in costume in the London production of “The Phantom of the Opera,” then jetting off to Paris for the premiere of “Miss Saigon.” Going once, going twice . . .


One trend in the underground club scene is to get away--far away--from the traditional downtown warehouses, where you’ll find hard-core clubbies who never drink Perrier with lime. Recent outre club venues have been in open pastures in Pomona, an airplane hangar in Burbank and a roller-skating rink in Orange County. One major splash was at the Wild Rivers Water Park in Irvine. The club--dubbed Mickey Mouse’s Holy Water Adventure--took over the park for a series of weekend nights. Though it worked as a dance setting, there were limitations on the locale as a dip ‘n’ dance venue: “The water was supposed to be heated and it wasn’t,” said one deejay. “Some people were in swimsuits, some (jumped in the water wearing) club gear, but when they got out of the water they all practically froze to death.”


What you need to maneuver the L.A. scene: What one accessory is most important for jamming at the city’s dance clubs? Studded leather bra? Too outdated. Sunglasses indoors? People will think you’re a drug addict. Hair teased two feet from your head? Trying too hard. No, the necessary accouterments are earplugs. Spend too much time in a club without them and you’ll be sporting a hearing aid in no time. Besides, it makes it easier to ignore annoying comments, and it looks a little less conspicuous than dancing with your fingers in your ears.
