
Kamins’ Removal

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It is quite interesting to see how beautifully our justice system works in its usual manner. The four officers of the Los Angeles Police Department who beat Rodney King will probably die of old age before their case finally gets to court. Superior Court Judge Bernard Kamins is to be replaced because he may be biased and this is causing legal action (“Appeals Court Bars Kamins From King Case,” Metro, Aug. 22). The defense attorneys obtained a change of venue because they believe their clients cannot get a fair trial in Los Angeles.

Under our system of justice, the accused is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Everyone in America has seen the King beating videotape. Perhaps the tape should be put on trial. Maybe the video camera took the wrong pictures of the incident.

Do these officers really believe that their attorneys can prevent them from spending a long time in prison where they definitely belong?


