
IOU: More divorces and more people mean...

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IOU: More divorces and more people mean more ex-husbands paying child support in the county than ever before. But there’s a third factor: a crackdown on delinquent payments. New laws mean the state can intercept tax payments and even lottery winnings. Now child support delinquency can show up on credit reports, such as TRW’s. . . . “It seems bad payers often pay their Sears bill instead of sending money for their child,” said Deputy Dist. Atty. David L. Himelson. “That way they won’t wreck their credit report. But we’ve changed all that.”

Child Support

Year-by-year figures show an increase in Orange County’s child support collections (in millions)

1984: $22.57

1986: $25.57

1988: $30.58

1990: $37.64

Fiscal year July 1 through June 30

Source: Orange County District Attorney, Family Support Division
