
Densification of Los Angeles

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I was quite amazed at the poor sight of our city fathers as they make plans to encourage higher-density housing in the few open spaces left in Los Angeles. At a time when our infrastructure (schools, freeways, water, etc.) is decaying and strained to the limit, our city planners feel that the solution is to cram a few hundred thousand more people into the environs of Los Angeles. More is better? Quantity over quality? I hope not!

Let’s take those 7,000 parcels of undeveloped land and use them for the benefit of existing residents. A new school, a new park, even a parking lot would be better than to provide additional housing for areas where schools are already overcrowded and streets are fully jammed. City planning is not much different from family planning. You don’t have 10 kids when you know you can only afford three.


Granada Hills
