
‘Gestapo Treatment’ in Mistaken Raid

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This is in response to “Raid Terrifies Orange Family” (Aug. 29). The article describes as victims the family of Henry Truong, a Vietnamese-born, American-educated electrical engineer, whose members were terrorized by an early-morning “storm trooper”-style raid on their home Aug. 28 by (federal) agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

It appears that, although these agents obtained a search warrant, it was only after their raid was over that they discovered that the people they were after (former tenants) had moved and that the home had been vacant for almost a month before the Truong family moved in.

Obviously, the ATF team failed to do its homework before the raid took place. Added to this outrageous act is the ATF’s bland denial of wrongdoing: “We didn’t litter the place, and we didn’t treat anyone roughly.”


Handcuffing Henry Truong, forcing him and his wife to remain outside their home, leaving their two small children screaming inside, while agents ransacked the place--please tell me, if this isn’t rough treatment and littering, what is?

Shame, shame on you, ATF agents, for your Gestapo treatment of this innocent family!

