
Jackson Drive

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In chastising the opponents of the Jackson Drive extension project (Letters, Aug. 25), Councilwoman Judy McCarty has totally mischaracterized the reasons for the withdrawal of the Parks and Wildlife Protection Initiative from circulation and greatly distorted the facts regarding the environmental review process for this project.

Mrs. McCarty says “the fact is citizens want traffic solutions.” The “fact” that was clearly demonstrated and ignored by the mayor and City Council on the narrowest of 5 to 4 votes last year is that the extension of Jackson Drive through dedicated parkland is not a cost-effective traffic solution. In fact, it is a blatant waste of over $90 million of the city’s share of Transnet sales tax monies. It will rob San Diegans of real “traffic solutions” while destroying the integrity of a major regional park.

Fortunately, there are significant federal permit and legal hurdles still ahead for McCarty and this ill-advised boondoggle. Initiative sponsors considered this and the remaining time and costs associated with continuing the initiative and having to defend it against real and potential legal challenges.


The sponsors of the Parks and Wildlife Protection Initiative are joining with other environmental and civic organizations to provide whatever assistance they can to the City Council to bring forward a parklands protection measure for citizen approval.

