
Police Patrol Area Overrun by Crime

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A Los Angeles Police Department task force late Friday and early Saturday patrolled a North Hollywood neighborhood in the first step toward ridding the community of gang and drug activity, police said.

Police spokesman Sgt. Dennis Zine said more than 20 officers walked along the 5200 and 5300 blocks of Harmony Avenue, which has been overrun by criminal activity in recent years.

“In one month, we had to answer about 100 radio calls on those blocks,” he said. Motorists from outside the neighborhood frequently drive in to purchase drugs, he said.


The task force foot patrols started at 6:30 p.m. Friday and continued until 1:30 a.m. Saturday, he said.

One man was arrested on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon, and another man was arrested on suspicion of drug possession.

Zine said the first night of the operation “was extremely successful. It helped bring back the confidence of the residents. They were letting their kids play in the street again.”


More than 70 vehicles driven by non-residents were turned away by officers. Some motorists drove off when they saw officers patrolling the area, Zine said. He added that the crackdown would continue on an unannounced but regular basis.
