
Restricting Initiatives

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I enjoyed the column by Joel Fox and Harvey Rosenfield, and I agree with much of what they say (“The People’s Initiatives Are Under Heavy Assault,” Commentary, Aug. 23). I especially like, “Legislators love the initiative process when it serves their own purposes. Of the 28 measures on the ballot last November, 22 were sponsored by legislators or elected officials.”

However, I wonder why the writers didn’t take the next logical step: recommend barring any initiatives sponsored by legislators or elected officials. Reserve the initiative process for citizens only.

After all, the legislators’ job is to pass laws. If they would pass the legislation we need, we citizens wouldn’t need to hit the streets gathering signatures.


Imagine the November ballot with only six initiatives on it!

I agree with instituting “advisory” and “indirect” initiatives, though not right now, lest they add to the confusion. Get rid of politician-sponsored initiatives first.

