
A Star Is Born : Simi Valley Baby Makes Debut on New TV Show

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Actress Demi Moore, who caused a furor when she appeared nude and pregnant on the cover of Vanity Fair last month, ain’t got nothing on Simi Valley resident Denise Osier.

The 20-year-old woman agreed to have the Aug. 1 delivery of her first child, daughter Makeena Joy, filmed at Simi Valley Hospital.

Tonight, viewers nationwide will be able to share Osier’s experience on NBC’s new show “The Adventures of Mark and Brian.” The show will air at 8:30 p.m. on Channel 4.


“It was wonderful,” Osier said of her television debut. “It’s a happy show. I think a lot of people will like it.”

Osier said it was her brother and sister’s idea that she do the show, hosted by Mark Thompson and Brian Phelps, whose popular and wacky radio program on KLOS-FM (95.5) in Los Angeles gave rise to their reality-based television series. The new show, which premiered Monday, revolves around Mark and Brian living out their personal fantasies.

One fantasy was to assist a young mother-to-be in natural childbirth. Specifically, Mark and Brian wanted a woman whose husband would be unable to be present for the birth.


Osier, whose husband, Michael, is in the Air Force and was stationed in Texas at the time, fit the bill.

After her brother and sister heard Mark and Brian discussing their plans for the baby show on the radio, they called the station. The producers of the television show then contacted Osier and asked if she would agree to go along with the fantasy.

Familiar with Mark and Brian’s wild antics on the radio, Osier was admittedly more apprehensive than enthusiastic about appearing on television with the pair.


But she quickly warmed up to the idea after meeting the show’s stars and seeing a pilot of the first program, which featured Mark and Brian performing as backup singers for The Temptations.

“On the radio they’re rude,” Osier said. “But on their TV show they’re completely different. It’s comedy, but they’re serious about what they are doing.”

Mark and Brian were on location Wednesday shooting another episode of their series and could not be reached for comment.

Osier said she finally agreed to appear on the show after the producers offered to arrange for a special satellite feed so her husband could watch the birth of his daughter as it happened.

“That was the main reason I wanted to do it,” Osier said. “I wanted him to see it.”

Still, Michael Osier, a longtime Mark and Brian fan, was somewhat taken aback at the thought of his wife giving birth to their child on national television.

“He couldn’t believe it,” Denise Osier said. “But then the guys called him and talked to him. And then he thought it was cool.”


As for Mark and Brian, Osier said they went out of their way to help her through what turned out to be 18 hours of labor. The two had earlier accompanied Osier to a Lamaze class, and they threw a baby shower for her.

“They were super,” she said. “They were my support. They held my hand, they helped me push, they helped me breathe. . . . Brian cut the umbilical cord.”

Osier’s mother-in-law, Melonee Campato, who was also in the delivery room, said she was impressed with the way everything turned out.

“I don’t think there was a dry eye around,” she said. “Everyone was moved.”

Apparently even Mark and Brian.

“Brian was very emotional about it,” said NBC spokesman Brian Robinette. “He’s already talking about settling down and getting married and going through it with his wife.”
