
ABC Wins 15 of 43 News / Documentaries Emmys

Television: Network’s ‘PrimeTime Live’ and PBS’ ‘Frontline’ capture five awards each. ABC, first in the nightly news ratings, was also first in the Emmy Awards for news and documentary programs. The network captured 15 of the 43 awards handed out in New York Wednesday night by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

PBS collected 13 Emmys, while CBS got seven and NBC two. Cable was also represented, as TBS won four and HBO and the Discovery Channel got one each. The awards covered the 1990 calendar year.

The biggest winners among programs were ABC’s “PrimeTime Live” and PBS’ “Frontline,” which garnered five apiece. ABC’s “20/20” and PBS’ “Eyes on the Prize II” got four each.


Here are the winners:

General coverage of a single breaking news story (program): “48 Hours: the Search for Matthew,” CBS; “Frontline: The Struggle for South Africa,” PBS.

General coverage of a single breaking news story (segment): “CBS News Sunday Morning: Soldiers’ Stories,” CBS.

Instant coverage of a single breaking news story (program): “Nightline: Bulletin--Iraq Invades Kuwait,” ABC.


Background analysis of a single current story (program): “Frontline: Seven Days in Bensonhurst,” PBS.

Background analysis of a single current story (segment): “20/20: Children of Terror,” ABC; “20/20: Nobody’s Children/The Greatest Gift of All,” ABC.

Investigative journalism (program): “Frontline: High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” PBS.

Investigative journalism (segment): “20/20: Shame of a Nation,” ABC.

Interview/interviewer (program): Peter Jennings, “ABC News/Time Forum: Guns,” ABC; Peter Jennings, “ABC News/Time Forum: Abortion--the New Civil War,” ABC.


Interview/interviewer (segment): Mike Wallace, “60 Minutes: The Walkers,” CBS; Connie Chung, “Face to Face With Connie Chung: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward,” CBS.

Coverage of a continuing news story (program): “Nightline: A Town Meeting in South Africa,” ABC.

Coverage of a continuing news story (segment): “PrimeTime Live: Murder in Beverly Hills,” ABC.

Informational, cultural or historical programming (program): “Chimps: So Like Us,” HBO.

Informational, cultural or historical programming (segment): “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour: Blue Period--Manic Depression,” PBS; “60 Minutes: Thy Brother’s Keeper,” CBS; “PrimeTime Live: Window on the Past,” ABC; “World Monitor: The Soviet Union Series,” Discovery; “20/20: See No Evil,” ABC.

Program achievement: “60 Minutes: Chernobyl,” CBS.

Individual achievement: Producers David Fanning, Sherry Jones, Elizabeth Sams and correspondent Bill Moyers, “Frontline: High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” PBS.

Writing: James A. DeVinney, Madison Davis Lacy Jr., “Eyes on the Prize II: The Time Has Come,” PBS; Harry Smith, “CBS This Morning: The Party’s Over; Flag Burning; Death Penalty,” CBS; Sam Pollard, Sheila Bernard, “Eyes on the Prize II: Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More,” PBS.


Directing: Elena Mannes, “Amazing Grace With Bill Moyers,” PBS.

Researching: Elizabeth Sams, Scott Armstrong, Morrow Cater, Kristin Schneeman, “Frontline: High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” PBS.

Cinematography: Peter Schnall, “National Geographic Explorer: Don’t Even Think of Parking Here,” TBS.

Electronic camera work: Nick Bond, Simon Bray, Dave Barber, Howard Badger, John Landi, “PrimeTime Live: Inside the Kremlin,” ABC.

Videotape editing: Charles Scott, “Eyes on the Prize II: The Time Has Come,” PBS; Betty Ciccarelli, “Eyes on the Prize II: Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More,” PBS; David Ewing, Cliff Hackel, John J. Martin, Mitch Udoff, Bob Fahringer, “Koppel Report: Death of a Dictator,” ABC.

Film editing: Connie Rinehart, “National Geographic Explorer: Don’t Even Think of Parking Here,” TBS.

Lighting direction: Daniel A. Kinsley, “PrimeTime Live,” ABC; Daniel A. Kinsley, “This Week With David Brinkley: Live From the Houston Economic Summit,” ABC.


Graphics: Angela Fernan, Laura Vaccaro-Seeger, “NBC Special: Summit,” opening animation, NBC; Alex Weil, “National Geographic on Assignment,” TBS.

Title sequences: Alex Weil, Jaime Bernanke, Vicky Lemont, “National Geographic on Assignment,” TBS; Glenn Lazzaro, Don Duncan, Tim Miller, “Expose,” NBC.

Art direction and scenic design: Robert Thayer, “PrimeTime Live,” ABC.

Music: Scott Harper, “National Geographic Special: Amazon, Land of the Flooded Forest,” PBS.

Sound: Beverly Joubert, Paul Schremp, Mark Linden, Clifford Hoelscher, Chuck White, “National Geographic Special: Journey to the Forgotten River,” PBS.
