
Freeway Towing Service Expanded to 206 Miles

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The county’s freeway tow-truck service, which has assisted more than 15,000 motorists free of charge in its first two months, has been expanded to cover 206 miles with 88 trucks. The additional 74 miles and 28 trucks were added as part of the third phase of the program, which was launched July 1 with 36 trucks covering 71 miles.

Called the “Freeway Service Patrol,” the joint effort by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission, Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol is designed to quickly remove disabled vehicles and relieve freeway congestion.

The $9-million-a-year program, using contracts with private tow companies, is the first expenditure of funds obtained from Proposition C, which raised sales taxes by a half-cent to help develop a five-county rail transit system, build busways and widen freeways.
