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Here’s what happened Thursday in the Soviet Union:

IN RUSSIA. Federation President Boris N. Yeltsin took control of the vast republic’s government. He also nationalized all oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric and nuclear power facilities on Russian territory. The action could build fears in other republics that Russia is usurping the absolute power of the discredited Communist Party.

FOOD QUEST. Moscow asked Western nations for emergency food aid to avoid famine this winter. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Edward R. Madigan said the West will fill the Soviet request. But there are enormous logistic problems in getting the food to where it is needed.


U.S. RELATIONS. Secretary of State James A. Baker III, on a visit to Moscow, declared that the United States is fully committed to making Soviet democratic and economic reforms succeed. Still, Baker has ducked questions on the details of any long-term economic aid program.

THE BALTICS. The United Nations Security Council recommended U.N. membership for Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. The three Baltic states recently secured their independence from the Soviet Union after 51 years. Formal entry into the world body is expected Tuesday, when the General Assembly convenes.

PRISONS. A human rights monitoring group said that, over the last 10 years, conditions in Soviet prisons have improved while those in the United States have gotten worse. U.S. Helsinki Watch issued the report to coincide with a human rights conference in Moscow.


Source: Times Wire Services
