
Malibou Lake Controversy

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Malibou Lakeside is the result of planning without vision. “Developers” some 60-odd years ago saw an opportunity for a quick buck and sat at their desks drawing lot lines through property with which they were never physically in contact. Once again, County Supervisor Edelman is sitting in an ivory tower drawing lines through a community with which he has no substantial familiarity. This first instance of “counter” planning was tragedy, the second is farce.

Malibou Lakeside is not a community of wealthy homeowners. An assessment of even $10,000, let alone $32,000, would result in many residents being forced to forfeit their homes. In this resultant fire sale, property values would be driven down, leaving the community ripe for developers to buy low and sell high. Whose “vision” is this?

This is not a subdivision but a charming rural community rife with unique density and access problems. I believe that we can and need to make improvements and enforce development standards, but the current committee’s recommendations are commensurate with throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


HEIDI HAYES, Malibou Lake
