
HUNTINGTON BEACH : ‘Surf City’ Copyright Plan Will Rise Again

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Should Huntington Beach market itself as “Surf City?”

That question comes before the City Council again tonight after being shelved temporarily last month when concerns about it arose.

At issue is a proposal by Ron Hagan, the city’s director of community services, to have Huntington Beach copyright the term Surf City and use it for promoting the city. Hagan said the city also might want to merchandise a Surf City line of products such as beach clothes.

Last month, Councilman Don MacAllister said he had concerns about the Surf City proposal. He said the nickname might not give people an adequate, overall view of the character of Huntington Beach.


After extended debate, the council voted last month to delay action on the proposal.

Tonight, Hagan again will recommend approval of the Surf City marketing theme, and will propose that the council authorize $2,500 to pay for patent and copyright expenses.

“For decades, Huntington Beach has been called Surf City by the media, primarily because of its great surf, healthy lifestyle, clean beach air, family-fun environment, coastal destination and friendly people,” Hagan said in a memo to the council. “These perceptions have been the major attraction to Huntington Beach for both residents and visitors,” he said.

Hagan added that the city should capitalize on the news media’s frequent references to Huntington Beach as Surf City.


“Editorial articles are publicity that the city needs and can’t buy,” Hagan said. “ ‘Surf City’ can provide the catch phrase to encourage these editorials.”
