
Enforcement of Water-Saving Law Postponed

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Enforcement of the city’s mandatory water-reduction plan will be delayed until November to allow city staff more time to implement the program.

“We can’t implement it until we get the computer system up and running for water billings,” said Paul DePietro of the city engineering department.

It is the second time enforcement has been moved back. Fines for excessive water use originally were scheduled to begin this month, three months after the water-conservation plan was adopted. The delay was built in to allow customers time to adjust their water consumption.


The fines, which officials will begin tabulating in November, will show up on users’ water bills in January because bills go out every two months, officials said.

Although enforcement has been moved back, the ordinance remains unchanged.

The City Council adopted the plan in June, with a goal of reducing water consumption 15% citywide. Specific limits are set on residential and commercial water users. All single-family residences are restricted to 625 gallons a day, while apartment dwellers can use no more than 325 gallons a day.

Commercial and industrial businesses must reduce consumption by 5%, based on the usage during the same billing period last year. Failure to comply could result in fines of up to $50 per billing period.


City water-watchers have already noticed a reduction in consumption levels since the ordinance went into effect. So far, the 15% citywide mark has been met.

DePietro said the cool summer temperatures helped keep water usage at or below the city’s goal.
