
Address unknown--a post office?Notified that a letter...

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Address unknown--a post office?

Notified that a letter with postage due was waiting for him at the Marina del Rey post office, Michael Daniels paid a visit and was surprised at what he found. Or didn’t find.

“The building was empty, stripped of all furnishings and only a ‘For Lease’ sign on the door,” Daniels reported.

Here’s the really scary part.

“If you can believe it,” he added, “the post office left no forwarding address.”

We hate to see another business go under in this recession.

Dumb 911 Emergency Call of the Week:

“A woman called us from a hospital,” said Capt. Steve Ruda, a spokesman for the city Fire Department. “She said she couldn’t get anyone to get her ice. We reminded her that 911 calls are for life-threatening situations only and advised her to use the nurses’ button to call for help.”


At first, when we saw the photo submitted by Judy Hoffman of Westlake Village, we thought that Caltrans might owe the city $1,000.

But we looked closer and realized we were wrong. That’s actually a scale model of Frank Gehry’s design of the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

Odd sight: A 30ish panhandler in front of City Hall, wearing a T-shirt that said, “Pete Ellis,” with Ellis’ slogan, “And That’s the Truth.”


Asked if he was a former salesman at the defunct car dealership, the panhandler said no. Nor, he said, was he Pete Ellis.

Well, look what we found! The Marina del Rey post office. It didn’t go out of business or vanish into a black hole; it just moved to a new address in the same shopping mall on Admiralty Way, a spokeswoman said. She theorized that a clerk used an old return address on the letter that was sent to Daniels. And the spokeswoman added that an explanatory sign will be placed on the old building.

While we’re on the subject of bizarre postal stories:

When we published a photo of the Elvis stamp that the Caribbean nation of Grenada issued in 1977, it prompted Stanley Sieger of Pasadena to recall another stamp printed by that country the same year. He sent us a photocopy: It’s a 3-center, captioned: “UFO: Research Into Unidentified Flying Objects.”


Elvis and UFOs. At last, the proof we needed.

Overlooked in the confirmation hearings:

One listener wrote to KABC radio personalities Ken Minyard and Roger Barkley that he opposes the nomination of Judge Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court because Thomas “smokes cigars.”


Mid-year figures show that of the 23,453,143 vehicles registered in the state, 6,090,615 are in L.A. County.
