
Racism in America

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After reading the report, we certainly know The Times’ editorial position on this subject but we read nothing about the alternatives to the current failing “civil rights” movement. As far as The Times is concerned, black conservatives like Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele and, yes, Clarence Thomas are Uncle Toms or, worse, the dupes of Republican bigots.

Cornel West (“Why Haven’t They Matched the Success of Others?”) states the solution to racism and the economic plight of poor blacks as seen by the left. His answer? “We must redefine the public interest in such a way that it includes providing basic social goods--heath care, housing, education, child care and jobs--to all citizens. . . .” Notice that he doesn’t say helping people to help themselves and earn these things but rather that society (we taxpayers) must provide them. Has he noticed the recent developments in the Soviet Union, which has been promising just this for 70 years?

In another article is a statement by a newly free Estonian: “Now as we are free again, Estonians will have to learn to work once more. We learned bad habits under the Soviets.” That says it all. I hope West and the others who contributed to your one-sided report can learn the same lesson.



Mission Viejo
