
Tranquilized Elephant Hoisted Onto His Feet

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A five-ton elephant immobilized with tranquilizers for a grooming session at the Los Angeles Zoo was hoisted to his feet Wednesday, a day after he was unable to get back up. “He’s eating hay now and acting a little more frisky, wagging his tail and doing all those things elephants do,” Zoo Director Jerry Greenwalt said.

The 16-year-old elephant, named Hannibal, was tranquilized Tuesday to get his toenails trimmed and for an examination, but failed to respond to the antidote, he said. “The elephant did not respond to the medicine and remained on its side,” Greenwalt said. “Luckily, it was on its side so it could breathe.”

Zoo officials requested a heavy utility tow truck from the Fire Department to help lift the animal onto its feet, Fire Department spokesman Greg Acevedo said. The big African bull was being prepared for shipment to Mexico when it was left immobilized on its side, he said.
