
Pit Bull Defended as Gentle Breed . . .

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Well! Why should I be so surprised, appalled and disgusted once again! In reading your article (“Doggedly Determined,” Sept. 12) on Jeff Smithling’s eviction because he has a good-natured, obedient, loving Staffordshire terrier (of the pit bull family)!

Give the dog and their owners a big-time break, all you turnip-brained humans!

What do you actually think and believe? That these dogs are born from the womb, vicious and attacking? You abuse any living thing, and starve and beat it, and shock it, and teach it to hate and to destroy from babyhood, what do you think it’ll grow to be? It is criminal the things done to this breed of dog, to our children, to our elderly, and so on go the victims--get real!

It is not the dog; it is who raises that dog. Pit bulls, granted, are the strongest canine in the canine world, but it is not the meanest at all. They are matching in their strength with the affection they show, their never-ending playfulness, love, loyalty and intelligence! You could never have a better dog. I’ve seen poodles so ugly-natured, mean and temperamental! Pit bulls are even-tempered and -natured, consistent, gentle, loving dogs.


This apartment manager of Jeff’s . . . should be the one evicted and fired, as in big-time termination from her position there as manager.

J. FLOWERS, Huntington Beach
