
Protecting the Gnatcatcher

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to place the California gnatcatcher on the endangered species list. This was six days after the California Fish and Game Commission denied protection for the bird whose habitat is being swallowed up by development. The commission thought the scientific data was unconvincing despite the advice to the contrary of its own staff biologists. The federal wildlife service spokesman said, “There was a high degree of certainty in this case . . . the evidence we have compels us to propose this species for listing.”

Why the difference? The majority of the state commission was appointed by former Gov. Deukmejian and are businessmen who have no scientific credentials and no understanding for the needs of wildlife. It is reasonable to suppose that their sympathies lie with landowners and developers who fought the listing by the state.

Perhaps Pete Wilson, who has shown an enlightened approach to the environment, can end the pernicious politics in appointments that produce this kind of abomination and replace biased individuals with fair-minded, knowledgeable people.


