
Used Cars (KCOP tonight at 8) is...

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Used Cars (KCOP tonight at 8) is a 1980 Robert Zemeckis-Robert Gale comedy that stays breezy, light and buoyant despite a subject--dastardly used car dealers warring against merely deceptive ones--that’s cynical indeed. With Kurt Russell and Jack Warden (times two): a slightly overdone treat.

Lady for a Day (AMC Tuesday at noon). This 1933 Frank Capra-Robert Riskin sentimental comedy--about a seemingly impoverished Times Square apple-seller (May Robson) who masquerades as a Manhattan nabob to impress a daughter she’s put through Spanish boarding school--is said to be Capra’s own personal favorite after “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

O Lucky Man! (A&E; Friday at 9 a.m.) is Lindsay Anderson and David Sherwin’s startling, nearly surreal 1972 sequel to their previous triumph, “If. . . .” In it, Malcolm McDowell endures a chastening, pluck-draining odyssey through greed, sex, corruption, the coffee trade and all the travails of modern, industrialized Britain.
