
Bellflower : Tough Anti-Smoking Law Survives Council Review

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Bellflower’s controversial ban on smoking in public places survived yet another review this week by City Council members. A majority said they still believe it is their duty to protect public health.

The council’s decision baffled and angered many opponents of the measure, who said they were given the impression that the council called Monday’s meeting to draft a less-tough smoking law.

The 6-month-old ban, which outlaws smoking in restaurants and most other public places, has drawn criticism from restaurateurs who say the law is driving patrons out of Bellflower and their businesses into debt. Supporters of the ban argued that protecting the health of residents is more important than “the almighty dollar.”


“If nothing was going to change, if they weren’t going to reconsider, then why did they bother to put it on the agenda and make us go through this again,” insurance agent Lisa Cleaver-Wilson said. “This is like pouring salt in the wound.”
