
Dershowitz on Lithuania

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As a Latvian-American and Baltic activist, I completely agree with the conclusions of Alan M. Dershowitz. He is right; instead of pardoning everyone, evidence exists to separate Lithuania’s victims of Stalin from its Nazi victimizers. But I would like to make additional comments.

First, allowing even a single killer to slip through the process of Lithuania’s rehabilitation process would be another insult and betrayal of the victims of the Holocaust. The idea that the honor and the good name of a killer of Jews (and also others) can be rehabilitated is repulsive and cannot persist.

Second, Lithuania is free, independent and democratic now, and it is especially important that Lithuania keeps its banners pure and unsoiled with the blood of past atrocities. It’s important that this movement for freedom not be contaminated by the infusion of totalitarian ideas, tendencies and policies. There must be no place in this bulwark for old, dead and bloody ideologies.



