
Water Deliveries

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The Metropolitan Water Distrist of Southern California, a public agency, delivers water to its member agencies throughout Southern California in an area that ranges from Oxnard to the Mexican border. It helps these member agencies meet their water requirements, providing water that cannot be supplied from local sources. In Orange County, the district has five member agencies: the cities of Anaheim, Fullerton and Santa Ana; the Coastal MWD, which covers the oceanfront county area from Huntington Beach to the San Diego County line, and the Orange County Municipal Water District, which serves the rest of the county.

In 1989-90, the most recent year for which information is available, the percentage of water used by Orange County member agencies that was provided by the Southern California MWD increased from 54 to 60. That is, less of the water used in Orange County by theses agencies was locally generated.

But not all of the local agencies increased their deliveries. The percentages for both the city of Fullerton and the Coastal MWD dropped slightly. Here’s how all five and Orange County total compared in the percentage of water delivered:Orange County Total:1988/89: 54% 1989/90: 60% ANAHEIM:


1988/89: 35%

1989/90: 40% COASTAL MWD:

1988/89: 82%

1989/90: 79% FULLERTON:

1988/89: 47%

1989/90: 43% SANTA ANA:

1988/89: 31%

1989/90: 39% ORANGE COUNTY MWD:

1988/89: 58%

1989/90: 65% Source: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
