
Debate Over Alaska Oil

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This is in response to the article written by Patrick Lee (“Alaska Oil Refuels an Old Debate,” Column One, Sept. 15). The last sentence was a quote by Gov. Hickel which stated, “Wildlife is important, but so is independence.” Independence or dependence?

For over a generation we have been deleting our natural resources and destroying our environment for the “riches” our world had to offer us. Then, with oil spills, water contamination, the greenhouse effect and the waste filling our landfills, people started to band together to clean up what we have left. Recycling centers started, scientists started developing other substances for fuel and building materials (besides wood) and our engineers are building better fuel-efficient vehicles than ever thought possible.

As we are trying to wean ourselves from the dependency on oil, the politicians want to drill and most likely destroy the last living ecosystem we have in Alaska. For what? According to the article, the oil found may only be 19%, roughly 2 1/2 years worth and then what? The land will be destroyed, possibly another oil spill will have taken place; the land will no longer be habitable for hundreds of species.


