
Professor Teaches the Language of Charity

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William Stivers, a Pepperdine University professor of foreign languages and a longtime Malibu resident, recently received the Humanitarian of the Year award from Christian Children’s Services for his efforts to raise money for needy children in Mexico.

“I got in the habit of collecting clothing as far back as 25 years ago, and I started to distribute it to poor people,” he said. “I realized that wasn’t really enough because they (also) needed food.”

It was nearly nine years ago that Stivers combined his language skills and generosity in an experiment. He offered to teach free language classes to the Malibu community to raise money for relief efforts. After class, students were asked to contribute to a fund for the children.


Today, Stivers continues to teach beginning Spanish and French classes as well as advanced classes. “It’s been a joy to do because everyone comes to learn and have a good time,” he said.

In addition to his heavy course load, he drives to Baja California each month to deliver food, clothing and medical supplies to impoverished youngsters. Students often volunteer their time and accompany Stivers on the trips.

Stivers doesn’t plan to stop helping the children of Mexico anytime soon. “I’m a young man,” he said. “I am only 73 years old.”


Brentwood resident Richard Wiseley, a local manager of Oppenheimer and Co., was the winner of a one-week trip for two to Maui that was given away in a raffle by the West Los Angeles College’s Foundation.

Funds raised by the raffle were used for college scholarships and financial support of the college.

Joseph Jabbra, academic vice president and professor of political science at Loyola Marymount University, was named to the Gustave E. Von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Affairs at UCLA.


Jabbra, who has been a member of the Loyola faculty since 1990, has been published extensively in scholarly journals.

Six Santa Monica College nursing students have received $9,500 in scholarships from the Kaiser Permanente Nursing Scholarships Progam.

Darush Samia, Gregg Luke and Victor Crouch each received $2,000; Shelly Siegel was awarded $1,500, and Myrtis Navarro and Eileen Hayes each received $1,000.

The Boys and Girls Club of Venice selected Michael O’Hara as Man of the Year and Lorraine Lazerus as Woman of the Year.

O’Hara has pioneered sporting endeavors around the world. Lazerus was recognized for her contributions to the Boys and Girls Club of Venice and the Epilepsy Foundation of America.

The Medallion Award was presented to Dalena Hathaway for her service.
