
Benefits of Jordan Ranch

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I recently went on a tour of the Jordan Ranch property and I was quite surprised by the amount of good, developable land that is being offered as an exchange for the Park Service land that would be necessary to make a safe and effective road into the developed area.

As part of the tour, we also visited Cheeseboro Canyon, via its current entrance and also its proposed entrance, and I can assure you that the current entrance is quite inferior to the entrance and amenities being proposed in the land swap.

In both areas that would be given to the Park Service in an exchange for the 59 acres of parkland, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of beautiful oak trees. It is not the “inaccessible goatscape” that it was once called by an opponent. This is valuable land that could easily be developed or sold for development.


After having taken this most informative tour, I support the Jordan Ranch project, and I would encourage those who have heard only one side of the story to tour the property also. There are many good points to this plan that I was entirely unaware of before I saw them for myself.

ARLENE BRYANT, Thousand Oaks
