
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Cost Cuts to Leave Dingier City Hall

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Beginning in November, waste baskets at City Hall will get a bit fuller and restrooms a bit dingier.

As part of $4 million in spending reductions the City Council approved for the current fiscal year, the city on Nov. 1 will abandon its daily janitorial services. Those tasks instead will be carried out only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

A less tidy City Hall is one of the consequences of the city’s recent budgetary belt-tightening, which hit last spring and is expected to worsen this year.


Among other visible signs of the city’s financial woes, the city’s beaches and their restrooms are being cleaned less frequently and lifeguard duties were curtailed this summer.

The cutbacks are expected to continue this year. After slashing $4 million during 1990-91, the city by June must trim another $5 million from its budget, City Administrator Michael T. Uberuaga said.

The City Council has established a community advisory task force to help it consider new ways to save money and create new and increased revenue sources.
