
GUN WATCH : Safety First

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California is a model for sensible gun regulations. In general the laws passed here carefully balance the need to keep firearms away from people who shouldn’t have them against the rights of responsible citizens to pursue time-honored sporting activities.

Gov. Pete Wilson should continue that sensible tradition by signing two gun safety bills and an assault gun registration extension, while rejecting a bill that could mean prison for adults whose children injure themselves or others with guns.

AB 618--If people must take a test to drive a car, then they ought to take a test that shows they are capable of handling firearms safely. This bill would require almost all first-time handgun buyers to take a firearms safety course or pass an examination as a condition for purchasing a handgun. Retired members of the military, former peace officers, licensed hunters and those who have passed similar tests are exempt.


SB 134--It reinforces responsible behavior by requiring that firearms sold by a dealer be fitted with a safety trigger-locking device.

SB 263--It extends for 90 days the period in which assault gun owners can register their weapons. Without this bill, a person missing the deadline would be subject to criminal charges.

AB 2029--Though well-intentioned, it misfires. This bill would subject adults to a prison term of up to 3 years if a child, including their own, was killed or injured by a loaded gun carelessly left accessible to a child. Why compound the guilt of a grieving parent? Each case should be examined on its own merits.
