
‘Rich Urban Bikers’ Betray Image

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After reading how bikers fled a cafe in Studio City, something needs to be said about the quality of bikers in today’s world. These “rich urban bikers” betray the traditions that made Harley-Davidson a legend. These wimps allow themselves to be chased away from a business establishment while engaging in peaceful assembly. The police were not acting on a complaint, merely observing.

In my day, we did not run from police scrutiny. There is a simple reason for this. Harley-Davidson “Chopped Hogs” had to be kick started. In addition, our vintage bikes were all hand-shift and foot-clutch operated. Any serious rider will tell you that it took much time to get a group to get up and move, especially if we were not in the mood to go. We also had too much pride in our bikes and ourselves to allow some self-appointed busybody to tell us to leave.

Today, it seems any lawyer, theatrical agent or accountant can walk into a dealership and buy what took us years to perfect with our own hands: a “Chopper.” Is it any wonder that these guys have no pride? My old brothers and sisters in the “Angels,” “Gypsy Jokers,” “Pagans” and “Huns” would shake their heads and weep if they knew what has become of bikers today.



Studio City
