
COUNTYWIDE : Wright to Support Herschensohn

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Assemblywoman Cathie Wright (R-Simi Valley) will announce her support today for television commentator Bruce Herschensohn’s bid for the U.S. Senate at the Republican candidate’s first campaign stop in Ventura County.

Herschensohn is scheduled to appear with Wright at a news conference at the Port Royal Restaurant in Oxnard and then meet with a group of her financial supporters known as the Wright Round Table.

At 7 p.m., Republicans will hold a $15-per-person reception and fund-raiser for Herschensohn at the same restaurant, located at 3900 Blue Fin Circle. John J. Theiss, a Wright aide, said he expected about 150 people at the reception.


“This is Herschensohn’s first appearance in Ventura County and an opportunity for the public to hear him speak,” Theiss said.

Theiss said Wright decided to endorse Herschensohn because he is more conservative than Rep. Tom Campbell (R-Palo Alto), who is also seeking to fill the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Democrat Alan Cranston. “Her primary reason is that he is a good, strong fiscal and social conservative,” he said.

Herschensohn’s conservative views are well-known through his political commentaries for KABC television and radio. He resigned from his broadcasting job Monday to work full time on his Senate campaign, said Nicholas Thimmesch II, a spokesman.
