
Banning Gangs From Public Park

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I am writing regarding the ban of gang members from Las Palmas Park in San Fernando (Metro, Sept. 17).

It seems that at certain times in our history it has become necessary to curtail some questionable constitutional rights of individuals in order to protect the rights of others. At a time such as these when the character and integrity of our law enforcement officers are in question, it would seem that every means available to protect law-abiding citizens should be used.

The American Civil Liberties Union through its spokesman and executive director, Ramona Ripston, has once again taken the position that almost anything that is used to protect others is in violation of our Constitution. More specifically Ripston has stated that the ordinance could be used in a discriminatory way and as such her organization is considering filing a lawsuit to stop it.


I have often wondered just how these self-appointed protectors of individual rights would act if one of their own members were assaulted or even severely injured.

The entire law enforcement department of Los Angeles is now going through a very trying time. It seems that only when an individual is injured by police officers that the media and the ACLU question the officers’ actions and convict them without a trial. What about those officers who place their lives on the line every day who are injured? Where is the ACLU then?


