
Group ‘Outraged’ as Clinic Halts Abortions

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We are outraged by the decision of the Surgicenter of South Bay in Torrance to stop performing abortions.

They are quoted in the South Bay Edition on Aug. 16 as saying: “It’s a political hot potato. . . . We don’t feel it’s good business to be doing it.” Mr. Paulson of their clinic is quoted as saying, “We weren’t doing enough of them for it to be an issue to me.” These statements reflect extremely cavalier attitudes toward women as well as the practice of medicine. How long will it be before medical clinics will say things like, “We can’t make enough money on breast cancer patients. Let’s just let them die.”

The South Bay Edition reported on Aug. 22 that only 21 protesters showed up at an Inglewood clinic that offers women reproductive health care. These are the protesters that Surgicenter is so afraid of. Does this mean that Surgicenter responds to the opinions and actions of a few fanatics while disregarding the women it has and could serve as well as the pro-choice consumers in the South Bay?


The Women’s Coalition South Bay urges all potential patients of Surgicenter to reconsider where you get your health care. Is this clinic worthy of our business? We say NO, for they have already decided that we are not worthy of being served.

The Women’s Coalition South Bay is a nonpartisan group of diverse organizations dedicated to empowering women and to increasing awareness of women’s perspectives on all issues. We are committed to improving women’s lives. Members: ACLU, South Bay; CARAL; NOW, Palos Verdes/South Bay; NWPC, Mid-Cities; South Bay Lesbian and Gay Community Organization; Southern California Catholics for Free Choice; Sisterhood SEA (Support Education and Action) and South Bay SEA.



Women’s Coalition South Bay
