
WESTMINSTER : 3 Council Members Defend Rate Hike

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In responding to a recall effort, Mayor Charles V. Smith and Councilmen Craig Schweisinger and Frank Fry Jr. said this week that their support of an unpopular water rate increase is necessary to ensure adequate police and fire services.

After the three refused in March to roll back the 100% increase, a group of outraged residents initiated recall proceedings against them last week.

In a formal response filed Wednesday, Smith said rolling back the rates would require spending $3.3 million in previously allocated city funds. Since more than 70% of the city’s budget goes toward police and fire services, Smith warned that they might have to be cut if the water rate increase was rescinded.


Schweisinger, in a response submitted Tuesday, said: “The issue here is not about water rates! The issue is whether we as residents of Westminster want more violent gangs, higher crime, slower response time by our fire and paramedic services and parks not safe enough for our children.”

He said as many as 52 police, fire, paramedic and municipal jobs could be lost if the water rate hike is rescinded.

Fry’s response said that “to protect the citizens, I voted to raise the water rates as did all the (other council members).” He added that he will form a citizens’ committee to “help me review or modify the water rates at our November meeting and will bind my vote to their report.”


The council unanimously approved the increase in March, saying the city had historically charged too little for water and was allowed by law to recoup the cost of delivering it to customers. The move doubled water rates from 63 cents to $1.26 per 748 gallons, but Westminster’s rates remain lower than the county average of $1.44 per 748 gallons.

Schweisinger also attacked water rate rollback supporters Councilwomen Joy L. Neugebauer and Lyn Gillespie, calling them “masters at the art of deception and manipulation” for revoking their initial support for the increase. He accused them of reversing their position on the water increase so that they would be reelected.

The councilwomen have said they understood that the measure would only penalize water wasters.


Neugebauer said Wednesday that Schweisinger is “trying to distort the issue.”

She said she “in no way solicited” the hundreds of letters, phone calls and signatures on petitions opposing the increase.

Those comments from the public each “expressed the inability to accept and be able to budget for a 100% increase,” Neugebauer said. “I think it’s unfair that Councilman Schweisinger still fails to recognize the hardships that this brings to the community.”

Gillespie could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
