
Venice : Muscle Beach Equipment

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City officials have replaced weightlifting equipment at Muscle Beach, a leading tourist attraction and a prime spot for bicep-pumping and hunk-viewing, after some longtime users complained about the quality of the equipment at the newly remodeled facility.

The problems came to light last month at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the $530,000 renovation project. Some bodybuilders at the party embarrassed city officials when they complained that new equipment was already rusty and bent, and that there were not enough workout essentials such as chin-up bars and barbells.

Bobby Hockless, recreation director for the facility, said that the center now has twice as many weights as before, that other equipment is being repaired, and that weightlifters are happy. There are, however, no plans to remove a 35-foot monument to Muscle Beach that bodybuilders complained blocked the sun during prime workout--and tanning--hours.
