
Names, Addresses of Jury Found in Killer’s Jail Cell

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A court-ordered search of a convicted murderer’s cell turned up a list of the names and addresses of the jurors who deliberated his case, prompting a San Fernando Superior Court judge to suggest that the situation could have put “the entire jury system at risk.”

Judge David M. Schacter on Friday said that obtaining the list was not illegal, but he recommended that Lawrence Sanchez, the private investigator who gave the list to convicted murderer Robert Peernock, be removed from a list of investigators eligible for court-appointed work.

Schacter ordered the Thursday night search of Peernock’s cell after a prosecutor alleged that Peernock wanted the names to harass or harm jurors.


Peernock, 54, is awaiting sentencing for the July, 1987, murder of his wife and for soliciting from his jail cell the murder of his daughter, then 18, and her attorney.
