
Chronology of Kaifu’s Term in Office

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Associated Press

Aug. 8, 1989--Elected president of governing Liberal Democratic Party.

Aug. 9--Named Japan’s 76th prime minister by Parliament.

Sept. 1--First summit with President Bush in Washington.

Oct. 6--Reelected party president.

Feb. 18, 1990--Liberal Democrats win landslide victory in general elections.

Feb. 27--Reelected prime minister by Parliament.

May 24-26--Receives South Korean President Roh Tae Woo.

Nov. 8--Proposal to send Japanese troops to Persian Gulf for noncombat duty is scrapped by Parliament.

April 16-19, 1991--Receives Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev in Tokyo.

April 26--Decides to send minesweepers to Persian Gulf in first deployment of troops overseas since World War II.

June 27--Top officials at Nomura and Nikko securities resign to take responsibility for widening scandal in which brokerages compensated favored customers for investment losses.


July 11--Summit with President Bush in Kennebunkport, Me.

Sept. 30--Political reform package dies in Parliament. Kaifu threatens to resign and call elections.

Oct. 4--Abandons plans to run for another term as president of Liberal Democrats.
