
Coliseum Is Called a Safe Place to Visit

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Regarding fan conduct at Raider games, I certainly take exception with David Brubaker’s (Sept. 21) observations. As the lieutenant in charge of the off-duty police officers who work Coliseum events, I can say that the Coliseum is the safest, best-policed sports stadium in the country. I’m very proud of the great job all my officers do at each and every game. However, any time you mix fans, team rivalry, beer and crowd psychology, there is bound to be some fighting and unruliness.

Our policy is to eject anyone whose behavior is drunken, rowdy, disruptive or intimidating to opposing fans. We begin our efforts in the parking lots prior to the games, citing anyone with open alcohol; we continue our efforts right at the entrance gates, and anyone whose behavior is unacceptable is either refused admittance or ejected as soon as he or she enters; and we maintain our efforts by deploying a sufficient number of officers who continually monitor the crowds to identify and eject anyone whose conduct warrants it. If you doubt it, ask the 75-100 people we kick out each week.

We invite all the fans in Los Angeles to come to the Coliseum, bring your family and root for your favorite team. You’ll find this a well-policed, safe place to enjoy the game. Ninety-nine percent of the people who attend are well-behaved and adult. The other 1% will soon tire of being ejected five minutes after kickoff.



Los Angeles Police Dept.
