
Another Round: Psychic vs. Skeptic

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In the article about my libel suits against James Randi, when Randi claims that my performances can be duplicated by methods found long ago on cereal boxes, he attacks not only my abilities but also my originality. That is defamation aside from any paranormal issue. After all, spoon bending is my professional trademark.

And, most important, what your writer overlooked in the article was the fact that Randi has done far more than attack my abilities. He has made easily proved lies, such as claiming that I was responsible for the suicide of a scientist friend (who actually died of natural causes); that I engaged in blackmail (a criminal action); that I am a psychopath and a social disease.

He even said in a newspaper article that he “admired Hitler and admired Geller but didn’t like what either did.” This most appalling remark hurt me beyond description since members of my family were murdered by Hitler. In your article he says, “Do you really suppose Churchill and Hitler would shake hands?” Was it meant that he is Churchill and I am Hitler? Or was it to give a description of two enemies? I wonder.


I would hope that even those who doubt my paranormal powers would find such defamation tactics reprehensible.

I would appreciate if you print my letter.



Berkshire, England
