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All around Ventura County the past few weeks, groups of various stripes have held candidate forums to give seekers of public office a chance to meet with real live voters.

These forums are kind of reassuring. There really are people willing to leave their couches and TVs for an evening of hard chairs and long speeches.

It is also reassuring to find so many public-spirited candidates willing to stand up before their fellow citizens to tell why they should be elected.


Starting today, The Times is holding its own forum. You won’t even have to leave your comfortable seat to attend. The speeches are pretty short too. But I think the answers--straight from the candidates--will help you make your decisions for the Nov. 5 election.

Candidates for the Ventura City Council were asked questions on three key issues. Today, the candidates answer the first question and describe what they believe the city should do about its water shortage. Other questions and answers will appear Monday and Tuesday.

Next Sunday we will begin a similar forum with candidates for the Ventura County Community College Board of Trustees.


Answers to today’s question appear on Page B4.

Julia C. Wilson, Times Ventura County Editor
