
MOORPARK : More Bids May Be Needed for School

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The Moorpark Unified School District may have to solicit a fourth round of bids for construction of a new alternative high school building, possibly delaying the expected Sept. 1, 1992, completion date, a school district official said.

The school board had planned to vote last week on contracting with Los Angeles-based Roman & Associates to build the new home for Moorpark Community High School at 3900 Condor Drive.

However, a last-minute dispute over whether the $1-million bid covered the full project delayed the vote, Facilities Director Lyle Richardson said.


The school district cannot negotiate on the price because the project is funded by the state.

“On a state bid, you have to accept the bid as it is,” Richardson said.

If the district cannot resolve the disagreement with the contractor, it will seek bids a fourth time, Richardson said.

“We’re worrying about it dragging on,” he said. “We don’t want to go through it a fourth time, but we may have to.”


The new school was scheduled to open on Sept. 1, 1992. Although grading has begun on the site, construction is expected to take 10 to 11 months.

The school district began the construction bidding process six months ago. The lowest bid received in the first round was higher than the $1 million budgeted. The construction firm that won the second bid was rejected because it did not meet state standards for employment of minorities and women.
