
Layoff of Liquor Board Agents

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Regarding the recent articles concerning the deep cut in ABC services, one would have to wonder why this has been allowed.

ABC was generating income for the state and the money was kept in the general fund. It generates $10 million more than it spends.

And yet, last year, for every one dollar collected on alcohol taxes for Los Angeles County, there was $172 spent on alcohol-related problems and services. The minimum increase in taxes will not close the gap of alcohol-related problems. Increased alcohol availability has been shown to increase consumption and increase alcohol-related problems.


I recommend three urgent steps to deal with the lack of enforcement that will result from a 75% reduction in force:

* A moratorium on new alcohol licenses in overconcentrated areas according to ABC guidelines.

* Increase the alcohol tax to a nickel a drink as recommended by the surgeon general.

* Restore dram shop liability so that servers will be more responsible in selling and serving their drug.


ABC is to protect the health and safety of the people of California. Perhaps Gov. Wilson is more concerned about the health and safety of the alcohol industry.

TRISHA ROTH, Westside Alcohol Policy Coalition, Beverly Hills
