
It’s Time for Equality

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It was a real pleasure to read Dana Parsons’ article regarding Gov. Pete Wilson’s veto of AB 101 (Oct. 6). As a Democrat behind the “Orange Curtain,” I thought I was one of the few heterosexual people to be outraged by Gov. Wilson’s veto. Through conversations and articles (specifically Dana Parsons’), I realize I am not alone in this opinion.

The Constitution of the United States provides for equality for all. Wars have been waged and much pain inflicted on many groups in the hope we could all become equal. Isn’t it time we provided for all of our people?

In my mind, race, color, creed or sexual preference are not criteria to be considered for employment. All other minority groups have been provided for by law, why not homosexual persons?


Gov. Wilson presented himself as a person who would support all citizens’ rights, including the gay community. He has abandoned those people whose support he used. I hope all responsible citizens remember this come the next election. Gov. Wilson’s support is not to be trusted.

