
Not Everyone Wants Mall

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Contrary to what is stated in the Sept. 21 article on the Simi Valley Mall, there are quite a number of residents, myself included, who are greatly opposed to this mall.

We are opposed because air pollution standards are being allowed to be dangerously exceeded, traffic problems are not being adequately resolved, and issues of crime, water, drought and other concerns are not being addressed whatsoever.

I am personally opposed to the location of the mall because it will be built in a wholly residential neighborhood...namely, mine.


It seems the main reason this huge development is going through is because the city planners and the City Council are determined to have it whether the people want it or not.

It already is established the city doesn’t need it. Simi Valley has a population of approximately 100,000; it is estimated that this mall will need a population of 300,000 to be a success.

STEVE KEMP Simi Valley
