
Nation IN BRIEF : FLORIDA : Noriega Guard Tells of Delivering Cash

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From Times Staff and Wire Reports

A former bodyguard testified in Miami that he delivered more than $300,000 in cash to the home and office of former dictator Manuel A. Noriega and gave an additional $1.7 million to Noriega’s personal banker at the now discredited Bank of Credit & Commerce International. Enrique Pereira said he was told in September, 1982, “to take a briefcase to the ‘Old Man’s’ home, to Gen. Noriega’s home,” repeating a nickname that some of the former dictator’s associates used. Pereira said he was shown the contents of the briefcase and that it was full of money. Pereira said that on another occasion, $1.7 million was deposited at BCCI’s Panama City branch, handled by Amjad Awan, Noriega’s personal banker, who is expected to testify later.
